©2008 Arnaud Bouchez

Needing a free tool to prepare pictures for web sites, I didn't find what I was looking for.


So here comes MicroPic:

  • very small software, can be used without installation
  • can read bmp or jpeg, saves optimized jpg files
  • Jpeg compression ratio is customizable
  • can convert multiple sizes at once
  • renames each size filename (name-S.jpg name-N.jpg...)
  • forces 4 by 3 aspect ratio (auto crop exotic pictures)
  • can draw © copyright message
  • can draw rounded corners around
  • resizes pictures with smooth pixel anti-aliasing
  • uses MyJpeg library, so is very fast thanks to IJL
  • full Delphi source code included


Free Download (current version is 1.00):


When launched, its window stays on top. Choose your parameters, and drag and drop files to be converted.


Important note: the resized files are created in a sub-directory named “MicroPic”, under the directory containing the original pictures. Don’t search the images in the MicroPic.exe directory!


This software will display English messages by default, but french language will transparently be used on french Windows.


Un petit utilitaire pour retailler et recompresser des images pour vos sites internet. Choisissez vos paramètres (tailles des images générées, dessin de coins arrondis et d’un message ©, taux de compression), et glissez-déplacez quelques fichiers. Les images retaillées seront créées dans un sous-répertoire nommé 'MicroPic' en desous de celui qui contient les images originales. Téléchargement gratuit en français!
